With the increasing number of displays, sensors and cameras, both for driving assistance (ADAS) and for entertainment, technologies have slowly become a major part of the automotive industry, especially since the arrival of much more electrical and autonomous vehicles.
LVDS Video Links (APIX), LED Drivers, Hardened data storage, Energy Conversion, Power distribution, Power and motor control
Weight, size, consumption, durability and above all high reliability are critical elements in aeronautics to gain autonomy without risking any failure, whose consequences could be catastrophic. The constraints are thus very strong on all on-board electronics and in the choice of appropriate technologies.
Calculations and hardware acceleration, Vision and lighting, Acquisition and Instrumentation, Network and Communications, Data storage, Energy conversion, Miniaturization, Power and motor control, Services
Whether for urban rolling stock or very high speed lines, concerns for innovation, passenger comfort and safety are permanent. This trend also strongly affects infrastructure and signage. Electrical and electronic systems are thus becoming critical to meet such requirements.
Calculations and hardware acceleration, Vision and lighting, Acquisition and Instrumentation, Network and Communications, Data storage, Energy Conversion, Power and motor control
The maritime environment, of calm and peaceful appearance, is a very harsh one for electrical and electronic systems which tend to multiply on many aspects for navigation, communications, comfort but also for entertainment.
Calculations and hardware acceleration, Vision and lighting, Acquisition and Instrumentation, Network and Communications, Data storage, Energy conversion, Power and Motor control, Services